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Wijckel church 


Family of Edith^9 Van Wicklen 


Edith^9 Van Wicklen (Winfield^8, John^7, Jacob^6, Jacob^5, Jacob^4, Garret^3, Gerrit^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes), b. abt 1915, NY

Married: William Godden abt 1936, NY


1. Beverly^10 Godden, b. abt 1936, NY

Edith's parents are Winfield and Ethel (McNiel) Van Wicklen
William's parents are _______________________.

Background information: Edith^9 Van Wicklen (Winfield^8, John^7, Jacob^6, Jacob^5, Jacob^4, Garret^3, Gerrit^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes), b. abt 1915, NY. She married William Godden abt 1936, NY

A story is told of Edith's father, Winfield Van Wicklen in the Brooklyn Eagle, 2 Sept 1902, p. 10

"Gould's Yacht Gave No Aid. During the race between the 70-footers of the Larchmont Yacht Club on the Sound yesterday, the half-rater Foam, with a party of five, including two women, capsized when two miles off Larchmont. The sea was running high and a stiff wind was blowing, and all were in danger of drowning, particularly one of the women who had been struck on the head by a piece of the broken mast and rendered unconscious. The steam yacht Niagara, owned by Howard Goult was within a thousand yards and nearest to the endangered people when the accident happened. The stuggling men yelled to the Niagara and waived for help but no assistance was rendered. The Foam was in charge of Captain Winfield Van Wicklen, and those on board were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Graveur, Miss Hoffman, sister of Mrs. Graveur and Martin Karatsonyl, one of the owners of the yacht. The men finally righted the yacht and saved the women."

Children: Beverly^10 Godden, b. abt 1936, NY. She died in 1980 at age 44. Her daughter, Darlene Martin supplied most of the information for this page. See source section below.

Harry Macy, Jr. The Van Wicklen/Van Wickle Family: Including its Frisian Origin and Connections to Minnerly and Kranchheyt; The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol. 128, No. 4 (October 1997); p. 244-5.

1880 Federal census for Oyster Bay, Queens, NY lists John Van Wicklen, 44, bayman with wife, Harriet, 36, housekeeper and children, William Henry, 19, bayman, George W., 18, bayman, Jacob, 15, bayman, Emma, 12 (at school), Winfield, 9, and Isabella, 5. Also in household are John Turner, 25, and Margaret Turner, 22. Harriet's sister and her sister's husband. John Turner is also listed as a bayman. All were b. NY as are all their parents. 

1920 US Census information courtesy of Cheryl Viger via 11 Dec 2002 email

1920 US Census for Amsterdam, Montgomery Cty, NY
Augustus Pollock, head, age 63 with wife, Mary, age 58
Stepson, Wesley McNiel, age 31 and his wife, Olive McNiel, age 21
Son-in-law, Winfield VanWicklen, age 48, b. NY (both parents b. NY), a painter (own business) with wife, Ethel, age 29, b. NY and children: Carrie, age 6; Edith, age 5, and Winfield, Jr., age 3.
Additional information on family of Winfield^8 Van Wicklen was shared by Darlene Martin (granddaughter of Edith^9 Van Wicklen) in an email dated 8 September 2004 These are the relevant excerpts:
    My name is Darlene Martin and I am the granddaughter of Edith Van Wicklen. My grandmother is one of four children of Winfield and Ethel (McNiel) Van Wicklen. There is Carrie who passed away in 2000, my grandmother, Edith, who resides in Broadalbin, NY, Winfield, Jr., who resides in Amsterdam, NY, and Seymore who resides in Pennsylvania. My Uncle Seymore is what my grandmother likes to call the change of life baby as he is thirteen years younger than the youngest child. According to my grandmother, her father was married and divorced with children in Long Island before he met my great grandmother. He never talked about them or kept in contact to her knowledge therefore she doesn't have any information on them. That may explain where some missing links connect.
    My Aunt Carrie was never married and never had any children. My Uncle Seymore was married and divorced but never had any children. I'm not sure if his wife ever remarried so she may still carry the Van Wicklen name. I was very young at the time. All I remember is that her name was Mickey. She may also reside in Pennsylvania. My grandmother married William Godden, and they had only one child, Beverly (my mother), who passed away in 1980 at the young age of 44. My Uncle Winfield is married to a woman named Felicia. I am not sure what her maiden name is. I believe they only have one son named Michael, but I could be wrong. Michael also resides in Amsterdam, NY.